My Journey to Instructional Design
I originally learned about instructional design while working with Thanh to rebuild his coaching program. He suggested that I look into Instructional Design, which might help with improving the learning experience, making it more engaging, and entertaining.
Taking off
Two years later, I sought advice from a career counsellor because I was dissatisfied with my marketing profession. Following in-depth assessments of my previous experiences, I realized that I enjoy creating various content that assists others in learning and empowers them to grow. However, balancing marketing and education is something I often find challenging. I want my audience to focus on learning when the content is delivered to them, rather than being distracted by pop-ups urging them to subscribe. The instructional design came back to my mind and I started to discover my way into the field.
Expanding Horizons
I continued on my journey by reading instructional design books, such as Design for How People Learn and The Non-designer's Design Book. I explored adult learning theories and processes like action mapping and ADDIE. I also took instructional design courses on Linkedin.
I consumed learning and development-related podcasts and Youtube videos. I also interviewed established instructional designers to learn from their experiences.
Flying Solo
With the information I obtained from Devlin Pack Youtube Channel, I started working on my first scenarios e-learning project, Efficient Video Content Creation. The learning content is based on my own experience as a marketing assistant. I went through the entire process from action mapping to interactive prototype and full development. I gained experience with in-demand tools like Articulate Storyline, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe XD.
Breaking through the clouds
I completed the first draft of my portfolio which highlighted my instructional design skills and talents. I also began volunteering for a non-profit organization's instructional design team.
My journey has led me exactly to where I’m supposed to be, and I’m excited to start a new adventure where I can continue to grow. I've packed a commitment to high performance, a flair for problem-solving, a love of continual learning, and a passion for design.